Issue: Fall 2007 Vol. 2 - Issue 3
Community-Acquired MRSA: A Burgeoning New Epidemic
Joseph M. Kontra, M.D.
CA-MRSA differs from hospital-acquired MRSA genetically and clinically. Comprehensive prevention, rapid diagnosis, and aggressive treatment are essential.
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Back Pain and Needles: Epidural Steroid Injections for Radicular Back Pain
James D. Artuso, M.D.
ESIs with fluoroscopic guidance can relieve back pain due to nerve root irritation (sciatica) safely when used in properly selected patients as part of multi-modal therapy.
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Damage Control Orthopedics — When and Why
James H. Carson M.D.
In severe trauma, initial simple stabilization of fractures rather than extensive reconstruction may prevent a systemic inflammatory response and multi-system organ failure.
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Pigment Dispersion Syndrome: An inherited cause of glaucoma in a local Mennonite family
Shawn P. Gallagher, Ph.D., Amy M. Bartal, Tara L. Whitehead, Barton L. Halpern, M.D., F.A.C.S.
An inheritable cause of blindness in a Mennonite family emphasizes the influence of genes on biology; D. Holmes Morton, MD provides a special reviewer’s comment.
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