Issue: Summer 2014 Vol. 9 - Issue 2
Screening Mammography: An Update
– Randall Oyer, M.D.; Alan S. Peterson, M.D.; and Nitin Tanna, M.D.
The recent publication of a 25 year follow-up of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study has invigorated the mammography controversy. The three LGH physicians who participated in our previous mammography roundtable help make sense of this constantly evolving subject and offer their current perspectives.
Colon Cleansing: Medical Breakthrough or Myth?
– Ketan Kulkarni, M.D.
Our series debunking medical myths continues with a discussion of colon cleansing. This pointless and potentially harmful procedure has inexplicably gained considerable popularity as a means of detoxifying the human body, a task actually performed by the liver.
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From a Culture of the Expert to a Culture of Learning
– Lee M. Duke II, M.D.
LG Health has embarked on a comprehensive plan to change the traditional model of health care administration and clinical care, which is inefficient and insufficiently integrated. A reorganization process for the medical staff integrates physicians into the system’s leadership and administrative structure.
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
– Joseluis Ibarra, M.D.
This comprehensive article discusses a common genetic condition that increases the risk of coronary heart disease and premature death. A new Familial Hypercholesterolemia Initiative will achieve earlier identification and treatment of this disease and help prevent its devastating consequences.