Issue: Fall 2021 Vol. 16 - Issue 3
From the Editor's Desk
Farewell, and Thank You
– Lawrence I. Bonchek, MD, FACS, FACC
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Top Tips from Family Practice
Why you should avoid unnecessary and needlessly expensive diagnostic tests and therapeutic alternatives.
– Alan S. Peterson, MD
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Photo Quiz from Urgent Care: A Cystic Lesion on the Elbow
– David Lang, PA-C, MPAs, and Kayla N. Mantush, PA-C, MHS
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Spotlight on Clinical Research
– Heather Madara, and Roy S. Small, MD
Outpatient infusion of a novel furosemide for CHF; transcutaneous measurement of intrathoracic fluid in CHF; impact of lowering lipoprotein (a) on cardiovascular events; effect of training caregivers of dementia patients.
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Perspectives: Climate and Health
– Alan S. Peterson, MD
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Zombie Infections and Other Infectious Disease Complications of Global Warming
– Joseph M. Kontra, MD
This article from the Spring 2017 issue on the infectious consequence of melting permafrost in Siberia is one of the most important we have ever published. This is a slightly updated version of the original.
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Candida Auris: A New and Emerging Fungal Pathogen
– Joseph M. Kontra, MD
This highly resistant pathogen, first discussed in the Winter 2019 issue, is a dangerous threat. Though no cases have been seen yet at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, cases have been reported at other Pennsylvania hospitals and in other states.
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Pennsylvania Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)—An Update
– Kristen A. Hartmann, MSW, LCSW
This brief article updates the original comprehensive overview in the Winter 2011 issue.
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What Right Does the State Have to Compel Vaccination?
– Victoria L. Kager
The Spring 2008 issue contained a discussion by the hospital's office of legal counsel of the state's right to compel vaccination in the context of HPV. This timely article updates the discussion as it applies to COVID-19.
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The Gut Flora
– Christopher Shih, MD, FACG
The gut flora have a vital influence on multiple organ systems. If space had permitted, we would have reprinted the original comprehensive review from the Winter 2013 issue. Instead, we are providing a synopsis of the key points.
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Amyloid Cardiomyopathy
– Roy S. Small, MD, FACC
Amyloid cardiomyopathy is now recognized as a common cause of heart failure. Here, Dr. Small provides a synopsis of his original comprehensive review from the Fall 2020 issue.
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Diversity in Medicine: Why Our Patients Can't Wait. A Very Personal Perspective
– Cherise Hamblin, MD
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Social Determinants of Glycemic Control: A Retrospective Study
– Mara Wilson, PharmD, BCACP
This is a new study of the social determinants of health that impact glycemic control in Type 2 diabetes.
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