WInter 2024 Vol. 19 - Issue 4   
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A Compelling Read for the Road Ahead
– Corey D. Fogleman, MD, FAAFP
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– Lindsay Pringle, MEd, and Pia Boben Fenimore, MD
LG Health’s new firearm safety initiative seeks to lower death by firearm in Lancaster County through distribution of safety devices, plus education and support for the public and health care providers. This article outlines the problem, as well as the specifics and goals of the program.
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– Marco A. Cunicelli, DO, AAHIVS, and Patricia Carr Reese, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
PrEP and nPEP are key tools used to combat the acquisition of HIV with the goal of ending the HIV epidemic. This article aims to help providers gain the familiarity and confidence needed to prescribe PrEP and nPEP to appropriate patients.
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– Meredith N. Clark, PharmD, and Michelle Link Patterson, PharmD, BCACP
Obesity is a complex chronic condition linked to many health complications, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers. In this article, the authors review recommended weight loss goals for patients and prescribing considerations of chronic weight management agents.


– Christine Curley Skiadas, MD
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– Mary Kay Stauffer, CRNP, MSN
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