Issue: Winter 2020 Vol. 15 - Issue 4
The Making of a Pandemic: Bubonic Plague in the 14th Century
– James T. Eastman, MD, FCAP, edited and updated 2020 by
Joseph M. Kontra, MD
The story of the global spread of the “Black Death” 700 years ago has become relevant again today. Ships arriving in Italian ports in the 14th century were detained offshore for 40 (“quaranta”) days in hopes of reducing transmission, a tactic that has given us the word “quarantine.”
Fourth Trimester Care: Timely Intervention for Postpartum Needs
– Brianna Moyer, M.D.
The potential for problems related to pregnancy don’t end with childbirth. The first three months postpartum (The Fourth Trimester) are particularly fraught. This article provides a detailed review of that period’s problems and their management.
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High-Need, High-Cost Patients and Social Determinants of Health
– Maribeth S. LeBreton, DNP, RN, CRNP, ANP-BC, and Eileen Sosa, MSN, CRNP, FNP-BC
It’s well known that a subset of patients uses a disproportionate share of medical resources. This article provides a deep and broad analysis of this problem’s causes and solutions, with a focus on the dedicated and highly resourced programs here at Penn Medicine LG Health Care Connections, Ambulatory Collaborative Care Team, and Social Service Hubs.
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