Issue: Fall 2014 Vol. 9 - Issue 3
Medical Myths: On Trial: Saturated Fat: Proven Villain or Medical Myth?
– Christopher Wenger, D.O.
If you think the diet-heart hypothesis is a scientifically established fact, think again. It may be little more than myth underpinned by shaky evidence. This article reviews what we actually know about the effects of dietary fats, protein, and carbohydrates.
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Medical Marijuana: What Do We Know?
– S. Scott Paist III, M.D.
Medical Marijuana may soon be legal in Pennsylvania, and its approval is favored by physicians and by a large majority of the public. This insightful review is particularly timely.
Oocyte Cryopreservation: An Update
– Melanie E. Ochalski, M.D. and Robert B. Filer, M.D.
Cryopreservation of embryos is an established technology, but the large size and high water content of unfertilized mature oocytes have made cryopreservation problematic. New techniques allow cryopreservation of oocytes, giving women and couples more control of the reproductive process.