Issue: SUMMER 2017 Vol. 12 - Issue 2
From the Editor's Desk
The Premedical Curriculum, Artificial Intelligence, and How the Mind Works
– Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D., FACS, FACC
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Perspectives: Population Control and Health Care in the Developing World |
– Thomas J. Gates, M.D., FAAFP
In our last issue, Dr. Gates offered a unique perspective on global health based on his experiences in Malawi with Partners in Health. In this issue he discusses population control, and its essential role in any discussion of health care and economic development. |
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Perspectives: N of One |
– William W. Bakken, M.D.
Dr. Bakken is a long-standing family physician in Lancaster who has held many staff leadership positions. Here he offers a uniquely personal and insightful perspective on the importance of focusing on the individual patient in this era of population medicine. |
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Top Tips from Family Practice
Choosing Wisely XX: Recommendations from American Academy of Physical Medicine, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology
– Alan S. Peterson, M.D.
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