Issue: Spring 2006 Vol. 1 - Issue 1
Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer
Carol Carter interviews Paul R. Sieber, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Changing ideas on screening and treatment for prostate cancer can be confusing. This review explains how fnding molecular triggers of tumor growth is leading to trials of trigger blockers. |
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Thoracic Impedance as an Indicator of Decompensation in Heart Failure
Roy S. Small, M.D., F.A.C.C.
A new cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator/resynchronization device that utilizes impedance monitoring of intrathoracic fluid status may help predict episodes of decompensation. |
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Ventricular Assist Devices for High-Risk Patients in a Non-Transplant Setting
Edward F. Lundy, M.D., Ph.D. and Susan Sample, MSN, CRNP
The authors report the LGH experience as one of only 3 non-transplant heart centers in the U.S. to use VADs as part of a comprehensive program for severe congestive heart failure. |
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Colorectal Cancer Screening: How Does CT Colonography Fit In?
Bruce H. Pokorney, M.D., and Edgar C. Fearnow, III, M.D.
CT colonography may help overcome objections to conventional colonoscopy, but it needs further validation before being ready for widespread use as a primary screening method. |
From the Editor's Desk
Just What We Need; Another Journal!
Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C. |
Perspective: From the President and CEO
For Healthcare's Future, Look Locally
Thomas E. Beeman |
Imaging Insights
CT Angiography
Leigh S. Shuman, M.D. |
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Medico-Legal and Ethical Matters
Advance Directives: Since Schiavo, More Important Than Ever
Robert P. Macina, Esq. |
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Viewpoint: From the President of the Medical Staff
"See One, Do One"
David G. Polin, M.D. |
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Top Tips from Family Practice
Fish Consumption: Minimizing Contaminants
Alan S. Peterson, M.D. |
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Audio Journal for Volume 1 - Issue 1