Issue: SUMMER 2015 Vol. 10 - Issue 2
Scientific Reports
Mechanical Support of the Circulation: Review and Update on LGH Experience
– Mark Epler, M.D.
An illuminating and comprehensive discussion of the biology and importance of HPV vaccination for the prevention of genital cancer, and the controversy that surrounds that recommendation.
Individualization of Diabetes Care: The Key to Success But Not Without Some Challenges
– Janet Titchener, M.D.
The principles of patient-centered-care have particular benefits in managing individuals with diabetes, but applying them is not without challenges. Adherence to those principles, and the results of doing so in a New Zealand practice, are described by a graduate of the LGH Family Practice residency. .
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In Vitro Fertilization: A 40-Year Perspective
– Melanie Ochalski, MD and Robert B. Filer, MD
Astonishing advances in IVF have become almost routine, and now include not only freezing and thawing of embryos, but also oocyte preservation, in-vitro maturation of immature oocytes, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis to screen for known genetic predispositions to late-onset diseases.
The Physician Advisor Program at Lancaster General Hospital
– O. Scott Lauter, MD
Care Management is an essential aspect of hospital management, and at LGH the physician component is handled internally by Physician Advisors who work with, support, and champion Care Management to the medical staff. The history, benefits, and future of these activities is reviewed.
Poliomyelitis in Lancaster County with Emphasis on the Iron Lung
– Ellen Hendrix
The scourge of Poliomyelitis did not spare Lancaster. The fascinating history of that nearly-forgotten epidemic in the nation, and its specific impact on the practice of medicine in Lancaster, is reviewed.
From the Editor’s Desk
Physician-Assisted Dying: There are Many Opinions, What are the Facts?
– Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C.
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Top Tips from Family Practice
Choosing Wisely XII and Other Top Tips
– Alan S. Peterson, M.D.
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