Issue: Fall 2011 Vol. 6 - Issue 3
The Power is Within; The Time is Now
– Jennifer Kegel, M.D.
Integrative Medicine is an evidence-based approach that should not be confused with holistic/alternative therapies which lack validation by peer-reviewed research. It addresses the powerful interaction of every individual’s mind, body, and spirit, it mobilizes the body’s innate capacity for healing, and it enables and enhances allopathic medical management.
Hypothermia for Neuroprotection in the Newborn
– Janet E. Larson, M.D. and Dorothy McElwee, MSN, NNP-BC
Hypothermia for treatment of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy achieves significant reductions in long-term mortality and neurological impairment of the newborn. The underlying physiological principles in neonates are also relevant to understanding the more-common application of hypothermia in adults for neuroprotection after cardiac arrest.
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– Leigh S. Shuman, M.D.
The second installment of this two-part series concludes an informative of discussion of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) and how it is bringing about a revolution in radiology that impacts all physicians and patients.
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Predictors of Emergency Department Super-Utilizers
– Michael A. Horst, Ph.D., MPHS, MS; Jeffrey R. Martin, M.D.; Angela S. Gambler, MBA, Andrew S. Coco, M.D., MPH
Why do some patients use a disproportionate share of Emergency Department resources? Do they differ from "super-utilizers" of inpatient facilities? An effort to characterize them has important implications for health care costs.
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