Issue: Winter 2019 Vol. 14 - Issue 4
Breast Cancer Surgery and Oncoplastic Techniques
– Aaron D. Bleznak, MD, MBA, FACS
Despite advances in adjuvant therapy for breast cancer, surgery remains a central component of treatment. This extensively illustrated article describes the newer surgical techniques of breast conservation that have been made possible by our improved understanding of the biology of breast cancer.
Rising Maternal Mortality: Key Concepts and Opportunities for Intervention
– Rebecca A. Sieber, MD, MSW, FACOG
Pregnancy-related death remains disturbingly common in the United States. This vital article discusses the reasons we are so far behind other developed countries, what is being done about the problem, and what health care providers can do before, during, and after birth to reduce pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity.
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Candida Auris: A New and Emerging Fungal Pathogen
– Joseph M. Kontra, M.D.
Candida auris is a new, virulent fungal pathogen that originated in several separate locations in Asia and Africa and has caused outbreaks with high mortality. This paper describes the origins and spread of this pathogen, and the unique biologic features that make it a tenacious and lethal global health threat.
Is Fibromyalgia Real? Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Diagnostic Criteria
– Tony Ton-That, M.D., and Christa Coleman, PsyD, BCB
It is increasingly recognized that patients with clinical symptoms of myofascial pain have a physical syndrome that involves pain hypersensitivity, and they should not be dismissed as hypochondriacs just because they have psychological symptoms. This essential article is the first of two that discusses the diagnosis, athophysiology, and management of fibromyalgia and related syndromes.
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Spotlight on Clinical Research: Family Medicine, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery
– Roy S. Small, M.D., and Heather Madara
Clinical research studies at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health spotlighted in this issue involve assessments of interventions to minimize preterm and low birthweight infants; a multi-center registry of patients with pulmonary embolism; a device to monitor pulmonary artery pressure in patients with heart failure; a new method of pacing for cardiac resynchronization therapy; and pre-procedural physical therapy for patients about to undergo Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR).