Issue: Winter 2007 Vol. 2 - Issue 4
James P. O’Connor, Shashi M. Ariyanayagam-Baksh M.B., B.S., F.C.A.P., F.A.S.D.P., Laurence E. Carroll, M.D., F.A.S.N.
NSF, a serious but uncommon syndrome related to the use of Gadolinium for MRI, illustrates the unfortunate law of unintended consequences.
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Shashi M. Ariyanayagam-Baksh, M.B., B.S., F.C.A.P., F.A.S.D.P., Christopher T. Addis M.D., Fabien K. Baksh M.B., B.S. F.C.A.P.
A puzzling constellation of signs and symptoms is presented for your consideration. The answer may surprise you.
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Michael H. Wills, M.D.
LGH has developed guidelines to reduce the risk of surgical complications in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
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Michael S. Flood, M.D.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is finally developing scientific validation as an accepted adjunct in multi-modality treatment of non-healing wounds.
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Audio Journal for Volume 2 - Issue 4