Issue: SPRING 2016 Vol. 11 - Issue 1
Scientific Reports
Immunotherapy: A Revolution in the Treatment of Cancer
–  Samuel J. Kerr, M.D.
Immunotherapy is dramatically altering cancer treatment. This discussion focuses on new, revolutionary inhibitors that can overcome the ability of tumor cells to block the autoimmune system ("immune checkpoints") and restore the immune system's anti-tumor effects.  
An Introduction to Heart Failure in Children
–  Matthew J. O'Connor, M.D.
CHF in children is not always caused by congenital heart disease. This article provides a comprehensive review of its etiology, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis, including the role of transplantation and mechanical assistance.
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Familial Defective Apolipoprotein B-100 in Lancaster County and Beyond
– Lars Andersen, B.A.
FDB is an autosomal co-dominant disorder of lipid metabolism that raises LDL and the risk of premature atherosclerosis. The most common cause is a mutation known as R3500Q, which has its highest worldwide incidence in Lancaster County’s Old Order Amish community; approximately 12% of the general Amish population carries R3500Q.
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Reading Between the (Guide) Lines
–  Christopher Wenger, D.O., F.A.C.C.
This is a comprehensive review of the latest Dietary Guidelines from the USDA, with expert point-by-point interpretation, analysis, and commentary by the author.
Minors’ Rights to Make Health Care Decisions Under the U.S. Constitution and Pennsylvania Common Law
– Megan R. Browne, Esq.
Megan R. Browne, Esq.
The rights of a minor to liberty and privacy under the U.S. Constitution and Pennsylvania Common Law are discussed in detail, with examples from specific cases and court decisions that illustrate these principles.
From the Editor’s Desk
“Electronic Medical Records as a Research Tool: The Opportunity and Risk of Big Data
– Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C.
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Top Tips from Family Practice
Choosing Wisely XV: Topics from the Heart Rhythm Society, the Society of Hospital Medicine–Pediatric Hospital Medicine, and the American College of Chest Physicians and American Thoracic Society
– Alan S. Peterson, M.D.
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