Spring 2014 - Vol. 9, No. 1

Letter to the Editor 


To the Editor:

I want to express my appreciation of the article by Dr. Christopher Shih, M.D., F.A.C.G. entitled, The Gut Flora which appeared in the JLGH Winter issue of 2013 (JLGH Vol. 8, p. 114-17). I found it to be very timely and helpful as I was finishing a manuscript highlighting fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for the treatment of resistant Clostridium difficile toxin. Having read Dr. Shih’s article, I contacted him and he agreed to read my manuscript. I then cited his comprehensive work in my manuscript.

In Dr. Shih’s article it was fascinating to learn the implications of FMT for other body organ systems and to understand the promise of this treatment for more than just digestive disorders but possibly for obesity and psychiatric illnesses. Furthermore, I appreciated learning where this treatment stands with the Regional Gastroenterology Associates of Lancaster group and to read that it may be offered in the near future to patients in our community who suffer from resistant Clostridium difficile infections.

On a more artistic note, I enjoyed the “Promise of Spring” by Dr. David Newcomer.

Sincerely and with much appreciation,

Lisa Ruth-Sahd, DEd, RN, MSN, CEN, CCRN
Associative Professor of Nursing, York College of Pennsylvania
Summer Nursing Extern Faculty Coordinator, Lancaster General Health