Resources for Learning from the LGH Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Lancaster General Hospital Family Medicine Program is highly committed to diversity and inclusion. The resources below are suggested for additional learning. Click on the blue links to access online resources, where available.

 LG Health CME On Demand — Health Equity Lectures
(scroll down the page linked for a list of current Professional Development offerings)

► Medical Apartheid, by Harriet Washington

► Carte Blanche: The Erosion of Medical Consent, by Harriet Washington

► Killing the Black Body, by Dorothy Roberts

► Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight Against Medical Discrimination, by Alondra Nelson

► Fatal Invention, by Dorothy Roberts

► Sentenced to Science: One Black Man’s Story of Imprisonment in America, by Allen M. Hornblum

 Video about Sentenced to Science

 Edward Anthony’s Testimony before Congress

 The Problem with Race-Based Medicine, Dorothy Roberts

 Patients R Waiting website