Welcome to the online home of The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital.


barb flory
The newest issue of The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital is now available. Titles featured include:
  • Safety and Effectiveness of TCAR in Standard-Risk Patients
  • Results of a Multi-Part Trial Designed to Reduce the Incidence of Traumatic Hay-Hole Falls
  • Amish Home Remedies and the Research Surrounding Them — Part 1
  • Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Opioid-Induced Constipation
  • Guiding Graceful Aging of the Older Adult
  • A Case of Acquired Methemoglobinemia
This issue’s cover photo — taken by Barbara Flory, MHA, C-TAGME, director of graduate medical education and DIO (designated institutional official) at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health — showcases a cold sunrise in Lancaster County. Click here to see the original photo.

► To read the Fall issue online, click on the journal cover at right.

► To download a PDF of the full print issue, click here.


The Winter issue of JLGH offered articles on pre-exposure prophylaxis and non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis, anti-obesity pharmacotherapy, firearm safety, thyroglossal duct cysts, and other practice recommendations. Click here to review questions and answers about the issue to see how much you remember.

Need a refresher? All issues of JLGH are available online under Past Issues at left.



Editor in Chief Corey Fogleman, MD, put out a call more than a year ago for narrative medicine articles. “Rereading and rewriting about what we encounter forces us to emphasize and economize, to pair some ideas and pare others,” he wrote. Your stories might address staff experiences, patient experiences, or anything else that might be educational for our readers. Or you might consider one of the prompts suggested by Dr. Fogleman.

► To read those prompts and Dr. Fogleman’s thoughts on the importance of narrative medicine, click here.

► To read the most recent narrative medicine contribution to JLGH by Dr. Christine Skiadas, click here.

► To share your story ideas, please write to us via our Contact Us page.



► Click here to learn more and register for the Laurence E. Carroll, MD 2025 Lecture — Surrogate Decision Making: Can We Do Better?

 Physicians and advanced practice providers can earn AMA Category 2 credit for reading authoritative medical literature, like medical journals. Click the blue link for more information. 

► For the most up-to-date offerings and information from the LG Health Continuing Education Department, click the blue link to visit LGHealth.org/CME.